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di michele中文是什么意思

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  • 迪米凯莱


  • The motivation was there for the side from reggio calabria as they took a 2 - 0 lead at half time through di michele and cozza
    这支来自雷吉纳?卡拉布里亚的球队上半场由迪米凯莱和科扎各进一球以2 0领先米兰。
  • Jankulovski opens up the inter defence with a ball through to di michele , whose shot at the near post is parried by toldo . corner
  • Del piero seems to hold the advantage over di michele , although both players have begun the season impressively with juventus and palermo respectively
  • This is a trio that could be chosen by italy boss marcello lippi , or perhaps by spalletti if rumours of roma ' s interest in di michele is to be believed
  • “ he is not 100 per cent yet and the dilemma is whether to risk him now or on wednesday when david di michele will make his seasonal debut at udinese
    “他现在还没有百分之百地恢复,现在的两难局面是,现在就让他带着风险出场,还是等周三迪米凯莱复出对阵乌迪内的时候。 ”
  • “ i have some excellent players at my disposal . valon behrami passed the tough test of facing david di michele , while stephen makinwa proved how important he is to this side
  • It ' s set to be a doubly emotional occasion for 29 - year - old di michele , who was born on the outskirts of rome , but has never actually played for either of the capital giants
    这场比赛对与年满29 ,出生在罗马市郊,而从未效力过罗马的两大豪门的任一个的迪米凯来说会有双重的情感。
  • Palermo have also expressed interest in di michele , but lotito is determined to deliver the striker to coach delio rossi after parma ' s marco marchionni rejected a move to rome last week
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